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Why stuttering support groups work (and are awesome)

Episode #183: A friend of mine gave a TEDx Talk! David Resnick gets interviewed on my show once again but this time it’s about his really interesting TED talk he gave at TEDxCulverCity. David is a David Resnick is an entrepreneur who creates playful experiences that build communities such as Stutter Social which we co-founded with a friend back in 2011.

In his talk, Using Technology to Build Empathic Resonance, David explains how technology can be used to build empathic resonance, which is a shared emotional state formed from sharing a similar experience. “It makes people feel a little less alone, you feel connected to others. It also opens you up to other opportunities. It gets you out of your closed head and into an expanded state. It creates the opportunity to feel and express more love.” Just like attending a stuttering support group or conference.

On this episode, David and I have a lively chat about how empathic resonance helps us feel less alone. I also ask him to share his tips on giving a TED Talk or public speaking in general.

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Published in Podcast archive stuttering


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