T-shirts, buttons (or pins and badges), posters, mugs, and now custom illustrations are available for sale exclusively in the Stuttering is Cool Shop over on Etsy.
And a few stuttering associations who have the permission to do so:
- AMBI (The Israeli Stuttering Association)
- Association bégaiement communication (ABC)
- National Stuttering Association
- Nederlands Stottervereniging ‘Demosthenes’ (Netherlands Stuttering Association)
- Stamningsförbundet (Swedish Stuttering Association)
Along with a few universities across North America where my book, Stuttering is Cool: A Guide to Stuttering in a Fast-Talking World, has been used as a textbook or required reading:
- Appalachian State University
- Baylor University
- Dalhousie University
- East Tennessee State University
- Iona College
- Ole Miss
- Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
- University of Kansas
- University of South Carolina
- Salus University
And I’m planning more Franky Banky merchandise in the near future. Along with a graphic novel for all ages (but written mostly for the kiddies). I’m working on finalizing the plot and also giving it more meat.
I really enjoy creating Franky Banky merchandise, seeing them come to fruition, but most of all seeing people enjoying them!
Stay updated on news and get sneak peeks to upcoming Franky Banky merchandise by subscribing to the Stuttering is Cool email newsletter. You will also have a chance to ask Franky Banky questions and get a reply!