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Porky Pig: Role model for people who stutter

Episode #230: And a role model for stuttering awareness! Space Jam 2 will be coming out in theatres next summer and it’s time we see Porky Pig in a positive light (if Hollywood doesn’t screw up and use his stuttering for cheap laughs). On this episode, I chat with my friends and fellow stutterers, Lynne Mackie, Tom Scharstein, and Jeff Fett, about their thoughts on Porky Pig as a cartoon character that stutters. Some people who stutter do not like Porky Pig while others, including myself, do and feel he is a great role model.

Is it time for voice actors to stop giving Porky Pig a speech impediment? If they did, then it will imply that stuttering is bad. And on this podcast named “Stuttering is Cool”, stuttering isn’t bad. After all, Porky Pig is a cartoon character who always spoke his mind, got what he wanted, overcame his stuttering, and is not a character who is suffering because of his speech. Also, Porky Pig lives in the world we people who stutter want to live in – a world where the people we speak to react positively to our stuttering. That’s what happens in the Looney Tunes cartoons. Other characters very rarely mocked or reacted negatively to Porky Pig’s stuttering (I only know of one cartoon where a radio announcer mimics him and I’m an avid viewer of Looney Tunes!).

Lynne Mackie is a librarian for the National Health Service in the UK in London. Originally from Scotland, Lynne is currently the vice-chair of the Scottish Stammering Network.

Tom Scharstein is a cabinet maker and Adult Programs Chairman on the National Stuttering Association Board of Directors.

Jeff Fett who is a Marketing Manager at his day job, serves as vice president of the Michigan Disability Rights Coalition, and also serves as an National Stuttering Association Chapter Leader in the Lansing, Michigan area and current Regional Coordinator of the central north states.

Links mentioned on this episode:

This episode is brought to you by my book, Stuttering is Cool: A Guide to Stuttering in a Fast-Talking World. Packed with tips, stories, encouragement and comics for fearless stuttering and joy!

Published in Podcast archive


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